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Problems with Daewoo nubira with LPG

Napsal: čtv říj 06, 2005 10:48
od Bebert57260
Hello all,

Sorry, I'm french and I speak only french or english.
I have a daewoo Nubira 2.0L CDX 1998 with LPG and I have some problem when I drive with LPG.
If I have the accelertor a little used, I have some "fits and starts". This is like I have the gas injection who inject and who stop and who inject etc... It is a very very big vibration (it is very hard to explain in english)
I am not alone, there is a lot a people in France with the same motor with LPG with the same problem. ... radage.htm
There is also a problem when we stop to accelerate. The moteur don't work as well as in benzine.
Maybe there is people in this forum who understand and who already had the problems.

Thanks in advance

Napsal: čtv říj 06, 2005 19:39
od PavelZ
Which type of LPG conversion kit do You have? Is it a single-point or multi-point injection system? If it is a single-point injection I would check gasifier - membranes in it. If the membrane is old it could cause backfires or bad response when driving with slightly depressed accelerator. But it is only my guess.

Napsal: pát říj 07, 2005 22:01
od Bebert57260
In fact it is a necam koltec full group injection (EGI). I cleaned the distributeur today and the problem was still present.
I decided to change one of the tubebetween the gas injector and the distributor in an another place of the distributor (distributor for 6 cylinder and only 4 use for my car). And the problem disapear.
Maybe the distributor is not very clean. In france thecost of this part is more or less 300 Euros.
Do you know the price of the parts in another country and were I can buy it

Napsal: pát říj 07, 2005 22:02
od Bebert57260
In fact it is a necam koltec full group injection (EGI). I cleaned the distributeur today and the problem was still present.
I decided to change one of the tubebetween the gas injector and the distributor in an another place of the distributor (distributor for 6 cylinder and only 4 use for my car). And the problem disapear.
Maybe the distributor is not very clean. In france thecost of this part is more or less 300 Euros.
Do you know the price of the parts in another country and were I can buy it

Napsal: pát říj 07, 2005 22:33
od Blue Lanos
Kotlec system have got one our lanos club member Akri. He bought lanos right from France.

Au revoir ;)

Napsal: sob říj 08, 2005 18:21
od Blue Lanos

I spoke with Akri about your problem. We would guess that the problem is in the wrong BACK REDUCTOR. You have got corrupted membranes probably. They serve out :? In this case (Kotlec system) is not possible change membranes only!! Is neccessary change whole reductor!!!
Manufacturer strongly recommanded repalce as whole part. In Czech republic cost reductor approx. 200Euro + labor.

LPG parcel might be wrong too but in the service is doing mesurement of gas injection. In doubt you would have recieved some info from your service...

So, check the Back Reductor again.

Au revoir :D Success ;)

Napsal: úte říj 18, 2005 09:51
od BEBERT57260
THe last time fuse was "burn" so I needed to drive 100 km with benzine and surprise (I never drive with benzine), the probleme exist also. It is right that it is less important than in LPG but there is some little start and stop when constant little push to the accelerator.
It is especially when the road down just a little and I am more or less between the accelerator out and in.
The spark plug are new and different trade marke than the last.
A personne with the same probleme change the sensor using for the electronique coil. I don't know the word in english.
I think that I will try to check my lambda sensor and my EGR gate.
It seems that the probleme appear only with the 2.0L 16S.
Without LPG I never catch the probleme with benzine because it is not big.
Maybe some leak who influence when the accelerator is little on.