Napsal: ned říj 30, 2005 16:24
Tu som nieco nasiel k tomu 2 displejovemu. Je to cez webovy prekladacIwos píše:Nemít přístup na net se nevyplácí Omlouvá se za to, že jsem pochopil, že je to jen otáčkoměr, pokud to někomu vadilo. Ten palubní počítač co je na posledním obrázku od Blue Lanos vypadá líp, ale nejsem si jist zda je podsvícenej, což by nebylo na škodu. Doufám, že družba dopadne pozitivně, aby to bylo k sehnání i zde.
Kód: Vybrat vše
On-board computer to any auto-.
It is established on any auto- with the the injector
by engine it calibrates and forward!
Highly contrasting two-small ZHKI screen with the the posvetkoy.
Measurement of every 0.5 s of!!!!!!!! Better time among the competitors.
There is a special model on Daewoo Lanos (Sens) instead of the standard it is hour.
1.izmereniye of the instantaneous value of the consumption of fuel (litry/chas)
2.izmereniye of the general consumption of fuel (liters)
3.takhometr (oboroty/min)
4a.chasy and calendar (h, min, s, date, month, g)
5. temperature in the salon.
'.Funktsiya of the calibration of expenditure.
Cost (only of 280 grn.!!!) if I interestingly send more
the detailed description
We are found in Kiev bodies. 8(050)550-36-93 Sasha
Kód: Vybrat vše
mapping the instantaneous value of the consumption of fuel (litry/chas)
mapping the general consumption of fuel (liters)
tachometer (oboroty/min)
speedometer (km/h)
mapping the covered path (km)
mapping the value of the expenditure of fuel per 100 km of way (l/y00 km)
hours and calendar (h, min, s, date, month, g)
the diary of trips (number of trip, duration, path, max. and the media of velocity)
the voltmeter of onboard voltage (c)
thermometer (В°S), the extension precise digital sensor
sound signal on exceeding of the speed
sound signal on exceeding of a quantity of the revolutions
the alarm clock
fare (taximeter)
the covered path (taximeter)
password to the discharge of the counters of expenditure and path, and also to a change in the parameters of work BK
different regimes of correction according to the path, the revolutions, the fuel consumption
sound signal with exceeding of given speed, tachometer or on the time (alarm clock)
it is extremely simple in the rotation - instrument is governed only by three buttons of regular it is hour in any operating mode instrument it is supplied with prompts about the possible actions in the form of the running line
Contrasting ZHKI indicator - outstanding visibility with the bright sun and in the darkness (there is illumination, pleasant green color)
High reliability, only imported completing, 1 yr guarantee.