Aku splna emisnu normu Lacetti 1.8 ? Na slovenskych strankach som sa docital, ze Euro3, ale nemecke uvadzaju Euro4, pricom emisie CO2 su rovneke.
Je nejaky rozdiel napr. v odhlucneni u vychodoeuropskych verzii oproti napr. DE ??? Tusim volakedy nexie boli takto rozdelene.
Lacetti a Euro norma
Moderátoři: Blue Lanos, koniQ
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Podle stranek GM Daewoo/Chevrolet:
Buyers of the new Lacetti will have a choice of three four-cylinder Euro 3 gasoline engines, all of which have two overhead camshafts driven by a toothed belt with four-valve technology.
by 1.4, 1.6 i 1.8 mely byt vsechny Euro 3. Alespon pro modelovou radu 2004. Ale ceske stranky udavaji i u aktualnich modelu Euro 3.
Buyers of the new Lacetti will have a choice of three four-cylinder Euro 3 gasoline engines, all of which have two overhead camshafts driven by a toothed belt with four-valve technology.
by 1.4, 1.6 i 1.8 mely byt vsechny Euro 3. Alespon pro modelovou radu 2004. Ale ceske stranky udavaji i u aktualnich modelu Euro 3.