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Kedze velmi nerozumiem Anglicky a urcite je dost ludi ktore cita toto forum a miestami sa aj nudi, mohol by niekto obetovat kusok svojho prebytocneho volneho casu na preklad textu do slovenciny alebo cestiny otom ako naucit auto jazdit. Neze by som to konkretne potreboval ale aj ja by som sa rad zasmial nad myslienkovymi pochodmi taiwanskych ing.
DAKUJEM ... hlight=ecm
DAKUJEM ... hlight=ecm
- Reklama
- Příspěvky: 3599
- Registrován: ned říj 10, 2004 20:09
- Bydliště: Mexico City
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
1- unhook the -ve connector of the battery or the ECU's fues (check your manual for the correct fuse).
2- step on the brakes so that the brakes light drains any stored power in the car's electrical system.
3- put back the - ve connector of the battery.
4- turn on the ignition key on for 5 seconds then back off for 3 consecutive times
5-start the engine.
6- follow the learning procedure
Uciaci proces:
A complete driving cycle should perform diagnostics on all systems, A complete driving cycle can be done in under fifteen minutes.
To perform an OBDII Driving cycle do the following:
·Cold Start. In order to be classified as a cold start the engine coolant temperature must be below 50°C (122°F) and within 6°C (11°F) of the ambient air temperature at startup. Do not leave the key on prior to the cold start or the heated oxygen sensor diagnostic may not run.
·Idle. The engine must be run for two and a half minutes with the air conditioner on and rear defroster on. The more electrical load you can apply the better. This will test the O2 heater, Passive Air, Purge "No Flow", Misfire and if closed loop is achieved, Fuel Trim.
·Accelerate. Turn off the air conditioner and all the other loads and apply half throttle until 88km/hr (55mph) is reached. During this time the Misfire, Fuel Trim, and Purge Flow diagnostics will be performed.
·Hold Steady Speed. Hold a steady speed of 88km/hr (55mph) for 3 minutes. During this time the O2 response, air Intrusive, EGR, Purge, Misfire, and Fuel Trim diagnostics will be performed.
·Decelerate. Let off the accelerator pedal. Do not shift, touch the brake or clutch. It is important to let the vehicle coast along gradually slowing down to 32km/hr (20 mph). During this time the EGR, Purge and Fuel Trim diagnostics will be performed.
·Accelerate. Accelerate at 3/4 throttle until 88-96 km/hr (55-60mph). This will perform the same diagnostics as in step 3.
·Hold Steady Speed. Hold a steady speed of 88km/hr (55mph) for five minutes. During this time, in addition to the diagnostics performed in step 4, the catalyst monitor diagnostics will be performed. If the catalyst is marginal or the battery has been disconnected, it may take 5 complete driving cycles to determine the state of the catalyst.
·Decelerate. This will perform the same diagnostics as in step 5. Again, don't press the clutch or brakes or shift gears.
1. Odpoj MINUS pol na beaterii.
2. Zosliapni zopar krat brzdovy pedal, aby sa vybylo zbytkove napatie.
3. Zapoj MUNIS pol baterie nas5.
4. Zapni zapalovanie aspon na 5sec, aspon 3x po sebe. (nestartovat)
5. Nastartuj motor.
(omacka o OBD2 ktoru preskocim, lebo ze sa takto da naucit kazde auto za cca 15min
a diagnostiku OBD2 u nexie nemaame, "navod je pisany univerzalne")
STUDENY START - Za studeny start sa povazuje start, ked je teplota chladiacej kvapaliny mensia ako 50stC a teplota vzduchu nieje mensia nez 6stC.
Nevypinaj zapalovanie, pokial neprebehne test vyhrievaneho O2 senzoru.
(tejto poslednej vete moc nerozumiem, a vyhrievanu sondu na nexii nemaame, a OBD2
diaagnostiku, na ktorej by sme videli ze test vyhrievanej Lamdy je OK tiez nie.)
VOLNOBEH - Motor nechame bezat na volnobehu dve alebo viac minut, zo zapnutou klimov,
rozmrazovacom zadneho skla, kurenim a pod. Cim vacsi elektricky odber tym lepsie.
V tejto faze prebiaha test "vyhrievaneho O2" senzoru, volnobeznych otacok, zapalovania atd. (bla bla bla..)
AKCELERACIA - Pod polovicnym plynom zrychli na rychlost priblizne 88km/h.
(zase sa secko testuje- tolko pise pokec)
UDRZIAVANIE RYCHLOSTI - Udrzuj rychlost na 88km/h minimalne 3 minuty.
(aj tu sa stale secko testuje,) Dodam JA ze nepridavat plyn-pedal viac ako na polovicu,
a prekvaltovat maximal na 3ku...a taktiez ani neuberat plyn. ked to ide okolo 80 je dobre.
DEAKCELERACIA - Daj nohu dole z plynoveho pedala, a postupne zniz rychlost na priblizne 32km/h
Nepreraduj, nestlacaj spojku (nerob nic), nechal auto svojvolne spomalit.
(zase sa secko testuje)
AKCELERACIA - Pod 3/4 plynu postupne zrychly na priblizne 88km/h a udrzuj rychlost
minimalne 5 min.
Prebieha dodatocna diagnostika (zase sa to secko este raz testuje)...
DEAKCELERACIA - Urob to ise co v predoslom kroku ...bla bla bla..
Opakuj tento proces aspon 5 krat,....
potom by to uz malo byt naucene..
Tieto kroky treba opakovat pokazde, ked dojde k odpojenu baterie ...bla bla bla...
Chcesh vystvetlit aj "technicke pojmy" ako su Misfire, Fuel Trim, Purge Flow, EGR ..??
2- step on the brakes so that the brakes light drains any stored power in the car's electrical system.
3- put back the - ve connector of the battery.
4- turn on the ignition key on for 5 seconds then back off for 3 consecutive times
5-start the engine.
6- follow the learning procedure
Uciaci proces:
A complete driving cycle should perform diagnostics on all systems, A complete driving cycle can be done in under fifteen minutes.
To perform an OBDII Driving cycle do the following:
·Cold Start. In order to be classified as a cold start the engine coolant temperature must be below 50°C (122°F) and within 6°C (11°F) of the ambient air temperature at startup. Do not leave the key on prior to the cold start or the heated oxygen sensor diagnostic may not run.
·Idle. The engine must be run for two and a half minutes with the air conditioner on and rear defroster on. The more electrical load you can apply the better. This will test the O2 heater, Passive Air, Purge "No Flow", Misfire and if closed loop is achieved, Fuel Trim.
·Accelerate. Turn off the air conditioner and all the other loads and apply half throttle until 88km/hr (55mph) is reached. During this time the Misfire, Fuel Trim, and Purge Flow diagnostics will be performed.
·Hold Steady Speed. Hold a steady speed of 88km/hr (55mph) for 3 minutes. During this time the O2 response, air Intrusive, EGR, Purge, Misfire, and Fuel Trim diagnostics will be performed.
·Decelerate. Let off the accelerator pedal. Do not shift, touch the brake or clutch. It is important to let the vehicle coast along gradually slowing down to 32km/hr (20 mph). During this time the EGR, Purge and Fuel Trim diagnostics will be performed.
·Accelerate. Accelerate at 3/4 throttle until 88-96 km/hr (55-60mph). This will perform the same diagnostics as in step 3.
·Hold Steady Speed. Hold a steady speed of 88km/hr (55mph) for five minutes. During this time, in addition to the diagnostics performed in step 4, the catalyst monitor diagnostics will be performed. If the catalyst is marginal or the battery has been disconnected, it may take 5 complete driving cycles to determine the state of the catalyst.
·Decelerate. This will perform the same diagnostics as in step 5. Again, don't press the clutch or brakes or shift gears.
1. Odpoj MINUS pol na beaterii.
2. Zosliapni zopar krat brzdovy pedal, aby sa vybylo zbytkove napatie.
3. Zapoj MUNIS pol baterie nas5.
4. Zapni zapalovanie aspon na 5sec, aspon 3x po sebe. (nestartovat)
5. Nastartuj motor.
(omacka o OBD2 ktoru preskocim, lebo ze sa takto da naucit kazde auto za cca 15min
a diagnostiku OBD2 u nexie nemaame, "navod je pisany univerzalne")
STUDENY START - Za studeny start sa povazuje start, ked je teplota chladiacej kvapaliny mensia ako 50stC a teplota vzduchu nieje mensia nez 6stC.
Nevypinaj zapalovanie, pokial neprebehne test vyhrievaneho O2 senzoru.
(tejto poslednej vete moc nerozumiem, a vyhrievanu sondu na nexii nemaame, a OBD2
diaagnostiku, na ktorej by sme videli ze test vyhrievanej Lamdy je OK tiez nie.)
VOLNOBEH - Motor nechame bezat na volnobehu dve alebo viac minut, zo zapnutou klimov,
rozmrazovacom zadneho skla, kurenim a pod. Cim vacsi elektricky odber tym lepsie.
V tejto faze prebiaha test "vyhrievaneho O2" senzoru, volnobeznych otacok, zapalovania atd. (bla bla bla..)
AKCELERACIA - Pod polovicnym plynom zrychli na rychlost priblizne 88km/h.
(zase sa secko testuje- tolko pise pokec)
UDRZIAVANIE RYCHLOSTI - Udrzuj rychlost na 88km/h minimalne 3 minuty.
(aj tu sa stale secko testuje,) Dodam JA ze nepridavat plyn-pedal viac ako na polovicu,
a prekvaltovat maximal na 3ku...a taktiez ani neuberat plyn. ked to ide okolo 80 je dobre.
DEAKCELERACIA - Daj nohu dole z plynoveho pedala, a postupne zniz rychlost na priblizne 32km/h
Nepreraduj, nestlacaj spojku (nerob nic), nechal auto svojvolne spomalit.
(zase sa secko testuje)
AKCELERACIA - Pod 3/4 plynu postupne zrychly na priblizne 88km/h a udrzuj rychlost
minimalne 5 min.
Prebieha dodatocna diagnostika (zase sa to secko este raz testuje)...
DEAKCELERACIA - Urob to ise co v predoslom kroku ...bla bla bla..
Opakuj tento proces aspon 5 krat,....
potom by to uz malo byt naucene..
Tieto kroky treba opakovat pokazde, ked dojde k odpojenu baterie ...bla bla bla...
Chcesh vystvetlit aj "technicke pojmy" ako su Misfire, Fuel Trim, Purge Flow, EGR ..??
IMF Master Ignition Forum -
Opravy vašich plechových miláčikov
Opravy vašich plechových miláčikov
- Příspěvky: 3599
- Registrován: ned říj 10, 2004 20:09
- Bydliště: Mexico City
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
...dakujem pekne za dubbing je to nadherny postup. prisam veru keby som vedel o takom useku cesty na vychode slovenska kde sa da ist 5 minut 88km/h bez toho aby som zastavoval, spomaloval alebo daval prednost, tak by som to pre srandu aj vyskusal. Este raz dakujem pekne za vsetkych za preklad.
Naposledy upravil(a) Adro dne pon úno 11, 2008 20:31, celkem upraveno 1 x.
- vado
- Příspěvky: 1027
- Registrován: pon srp 16, 2004 07:20
- Bydliště: Bratislava
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
No, takych usekov poznam viac. Asi najznamejsi je dialnica PO-KE, pripadne 4-prudovka Petrovce-Michalovce (sice trochu rozbita, ale da sa), pripadne Pozdisovce - Trhoviste (ale ta je trochu kopcovita), alebo Presov-Kapusany, tunel Branisko-Spissky Hrhov ... Urcite ich bude viac
S100, rok vyroby asi 1972. Nech je jej magnet na srotovisku lahky.
Lanos SX sedan, r.v. 1998, 1.6/16V, modra metaliza - ma noveho majitela
Hyundai Elantra 1.6I 6M/T STYLE, cierna metaliza Phantom Black
Audi A4 limuzina, automat, Briliant Black
S100, rok vyroby asi 1972. Nech je jej magnet na srotovisku lahky.
Lanos SX sedan, r.v. 1998, 1.6/16V, modra metaliza - ma noveho majitela
Hyundai Elantra 1.6I 6M/T STYLE, cierna metaliza Phantom Black
Audi A4 limuzina, automat, Briliant Black